
A bit about me

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Originally from Long Beach, California. I grew up playing soccer my entire life, from youth, club, collegiate, and even a little professional. I didn’t have a weekend that didn’t involve, team uniforms, travel days, grass, goals, teammates, pizza and countless wins and losses. I thought about soccer all the time, I even daydreamed about it. What was different about my dreams, however, is that they were in the form of commercials and clips. I imagined the set, the camera angles, music that fit the moment, scripts and tag lines. I was essentially my own imaginative production studio. I didn’t realize this until later, but those were the early moments that reflected I was a true creative at heart and mind.

I believe that everyone has some sort of creativity within them, whether it’s extremely niche, unorthodox, or mainstream, but not everyone taps into it and many never realize their potential, or choose not to. And that’s okay. We all see the world differently based on our personal experiences and even though many of us may have the same types of traditional creative skills or techniques, what separates one idea from the other, is our personal perspective on the matter, and being able to clearly show or share those thoughts.

That’s where I come in. There’s been an inventive imagination that’s always been a part of who I am and I never did gravitate towards a more traditional form of creativity to express those feelings. I didn’t take formal art classes, studied under traditional mentors, or take any typical direction of medium. I am self taught, self starter, that fought his way into the creator I am now. If you take a look at my personal passion projects, you’ll notice a consistency of an inconsistent form of expression. I utilize whatever medium best conveys the emotions that I’m hoping to share and record that method through my vision. I have tried to take this approach mainstream in my professional creative work. However, often times we are tied to more conventional forms of productivity. That’s a part of traditional business, I understand it, I produce it, it’s necessary. Saying that, I will continue to have my unconventional ways of imagining and I will forever try to express that creativity in everything, with every client, or brand that I work with.

-Luis Aguilar